The Great Setup


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The Premeditation And Audacity Is Beyond Belief

By Sherry Swiney
March 16, 2024

Everyone on Earth needs to know this.  If you are new to this, then put your hard hat on.  You’re in for a wild ride…  If you don’t like wild rides, pull up your adult pants and watch anyway.  Whether we like it or not, the evidence shows that a terrible crime has been committed against us in plain sight.  The audacity is not only beyond belief – it’s brilliant! They did not do this long-term wide-range program alone; obviously they had help from elsewhere. Humans are not naturally that deviant.

In Part 2 Dr. Martin talks about the Bretton Woods Agreements Act of 1945, where these guys wrote laws for themselves – no authority – just laws that exempted themselves of any crime they might do any time, anywhere. As audacious as this is, Dr. Martin says – “Hold on. If they can do this, why can we do this?” Wait until you hear the rest…

As Dr. Martin says, and as I have said for a long time, these guys have no power over you.  The only power they have is what we give to them.  It’s so great to hear him say this in part 2.  Makes me realize I am not alone in this idea.  

The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin – Part 1 – The Premeditation And Audacity Is Beyond Belief (34:30)
January 15, 2024

Dr. David Martin states several times in this interview, that the action of these criminals are beyond belief. Therefore it is hard for truth-seeking people to comprehend the scale and audacity of how premeditated and well executed this pandemic really was, once they discover the truth.

This is truly a riveting and eye-opening documentary, as “The Great Setup” delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents.

This two – part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what they’ve been told without questioning the implications. Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders.

The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin – Part 1


The mission of United Intentions Foundation who made this film is to provide programs, and resources, to awaken, and unite, people to the power of their intentions, and to inspire collective actions creating a more loving world.


Pray for people like Tim Ray and David Martin.

Here is part 2:

The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin – Part 2 (33:39)
“The Full Monty” Uncensored
February 22, 2024

In this riveting and eye-opening documentary, “The Great Setup” delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents.

This two – part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what they’ve been told without questioning the implications.

Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders.

Gain of Fauci: This might be the most eye-opening video clip that you see this year. The COVID shots pushed on billions of people could only be justified if there were no treatment options.

So, what did they do? According to Dr. David Martin, they let people die and suppressed treatments to make way for an experimental gene therapy bioweapon. But no one would voluntarily agree to take such a thing, thus they called it a “vaccine.”

The audacity of the crime was shocking:
The CDC, before it became the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was the US Malaria Suppression Program in Atlanta, Georgia, which did what? It advocated for the distribution of hydroxychloroquine.



Please visit my website:

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in English, German, French, and Spanish.



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by Sherry Swiney
March 10, 2024

Below is a speech I just heard by RFK.  My comments about it are below, if interested.  Please watch the video before reading my comments so they will make more sense.  Thanks for that.

RFK Jr.: How I See The State Of Our Union (9:01)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

March 7, 2024


This is the perfect speech, especially following Biden’s State of the Union speech this week.  This RFK speech reminds me of Obama’s speech: “A change you can believe in”.  I’m not saying RFK is not sincere, as I don’t know the whole story (no one does).  The only one who knows RFKs whole story would be RFK himself – except, even he does not know the WHOLE story.

All I am saying is listen to the words people say and watch their actions that follow.  At least we know where we stand under the Biden regime because they no longer feel the need to hide their corruption.  Maybe they are confident they will win.  Maybe they want us to get outraged and go to war among ourselves.  Who knows that side of it? 

But with the candidates, Trump and RFK (plus all the others running that we never hear about), they each speak words that are just what we want to hear.  So no one will know what the next president will do until after we see their actions compared to the campaign words. 

So if you’re going to vote, stay mindful and research while you make your decision.

Remember the last time you took someone’s word for it.  How did that work out for you?  

I may not view the world the same as everyone else.  Can’t say I ever have.  If you are new to this blog and want to know more about how I got to this place of seeing the world the way I do, there’s lots to find here by browsing through what I’ve written since the beginning, starting with “That’s A Lie” Program.  Feel free to use the search bar at the top right of the blog page.


What RFK says and shows in this speech is mostly true.  It hits our heartstrings deeply because humans, in their natural state, hate to see others suffer.  We are endowed with empathy

For some that empathy is worn on their sleeve and for others it is worn deep inside.  Nonetheless, it is felt by every natural human.  We know something isn’t right.  Something is OFF.  It’s a sense of knowing that we see and cannot describe as one thing because it’s everything, meaning everything in the news.  I watch the news to get a feel for where people are coming from and I wonder: “Can we change this?” 

One of the scriptures not included in the biblical text asks if we will.  This makes me realize we have choice.  The prophecies are not written stone, unless we do nothing to change it.

According to Gregg Braden’s research, (off hand, I don’t recall the name of the excluded scripture), the question to future humans, after describing the final Armageddon war, is “Will you change this?”  When I first heard this, I flashed back to a memory of when I read the scriptures page-by-page (from an engineering point of view versus a religious one).  That was when I realized this book was a warning that if things go the way they are going, this Armageddon thing will happen as written.  BUT if we change the course, it will not happen as written.

By the way, the controllers know this all too well.  They like to use this against us every chance they get.

Remember, I grew up in the era when we ducked and covered under our school desk believing this would save us. Harry S. Truman was president.  This was when they played the news on the movie screen in the theater before the movie started.  I was so disinterested in politics that it was all boring stuff to me.  I paid no attention as so many kids my age did.  Yet, I was being manipulated by adults around me who did pay attention and believed every word of the news.  So, I believed every word too – the same as I did when I was in the orphanage (another life chapter), until I learned the nuns lied to me big-time.

Americans have wanted change since I can remember.  President Kennedy was elected when I was a teen.  As mentioned, I never cared for politics.  I wondered why so many people got so riled up over them.  In those days, people argued over who they were going to vote for and friends and families remained intact.  There was playful teasing back and forth, but no separations like we see today.

Back then, I compared the whole voting thing to a major football game where people got riled over their team.  I understood that mindset for a team playing sports but not for candidates running for the most important office in the country.  Thus, I never paid attention to politics, didn’t understand it, and never voted.

When I got out of school, I began encountering information about how advertising manipulates how we think, where that came from, and how it worked so perfectly on everyone.  I also encountered information about the CIA, Kennedy assassination, the mob, and other stuff which is not detailed in this blog.

It was much later that I learned that I too was being manipulated by advertisements – mostly fashion – that were basically designed by none other than a guy named Edward Bernays, American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda.

In Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidential campaign we saw a very clever advertisement here.  It probably got him selected. 

Back in those days using propaganda on the American public was outlawed.  They just did it covertly and none of us noticed.  Today it’s on the books as okay to do without consequences.

Every candidate promises things we want to hear and the one that convinces the biggest number of people gets the prize of being President of the United States. 

These campaigns gave us information we never had, gave us ideas we never had, and gave us hope we dreamed about.  After the selection, things eventually went back to normal – as they were before with taxes, prices, interest and the country’s debt – oh, and wars here and there.  But enough people were fairly prosperous (middle class) that the poorest people were ignored.  Oh, they were often fed and sometimes housed, but who actually talked with them and heard their troubles with the intent of helping them pick up their life, eliminate the traumas within, and be free of all these woes?  Not many. 

The rest of us were too busy working and keeping food on our tables, to care about others who might be having a harder time than we were.

The best of us know within ourselves we would reach out to everyone but whose got the wherewithal to do that?  Being in that position is not an accident.  We got to that position by being manipulated into it.  So did the poor people.  It’s all been manipulation.

Once you know that, then you can change it.  Not a quick-fix but you can change it by changing the way you think.  Instead of seeing the victim side of this coin, why not see a triumphant side?  The more you stay on the victim side, the worse you will feel and be.  But the dark side will love you for it, sucking away all that tasty negative energy you are producing.

I don’t care who you vote for, or if you vote.  If you don’t take responsibility for your own life, feelings, and intuition, then it doesn’t matter who is in office.  Life will remain the same for you. If you do take responsibility for your life, here’s what will happen: Presidents won’t be necessary for long, politics, greed, corruption will have no place in your life. In other words, freedom.

Nonetheless, RFK’s video is inspiring.  It provides a triumphant vision which we all want.  None of this will happen by one person who gets into office.  None of it.  No one can sit by and expect others do it for them.  That’s not only a cop-out; it doesn’t work.

The bottom line is:  It’s up to us – you the reader and me to educate ourselves and go forward with what we learn to help others get out of the manipulation effect. Never figure you have all the answers because none of us does. Be okay with different opinions, ponder them and decide for yourself – not from what you heard in the news – if you agree or not.


Please visit my website:

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in English, German, French, and Spanish.



by Sherry Swiney
February 25, 2024

This person is a real hoot.  She talks to dead people.  She knows the dark side entities, which she calls ‘prankster spirits’, are real.  She talks about how she protects herself from these pranksters.  Good stuff.  Everyone has their own way to protect themselves from dark spirits, IMO.  Whatever works is good.  I use the ‘That’s a Lie Program‘ + love energy, for example.  I start my day giving thanks for another day and I am grateful for all I have learned so far, what I learned today, and what I will learn before I leave this body. 

The world may be in process of turning upside-down or inside-out (take your pick), politically and socially.  We are not in Kansas any more.  This, to me, is temporary… a sign that the darkness that’s been buried for generations is coming to the surface to be seen.  It’s not pretty at all.  It will run its course and a lot more folks may die in the process.  I don’t claim to understand the why’s about all this but I do know there is nothing to fear – nothing.  When we trust Universe (The Source of everything), then we can be confident we will receive what we need – not what we are in these bodies (including our minds and emotions).  This, to me, is a good thing, a teaching thing that helps us shed all the gunk and junk we accumulated in this lifetime and past lifetimes. 

Anyone else here been hit in the back or front of the head or gut with a Cosmic 2×4 for being too stubborn to listen to that little voice we call intuition?  I have several times in my 79 years so far.  Their quite devastating to say the least.  Each time, I learned valuable lessons about who I am and life on Earth.  I do hope there aren’t any more waiting for me because I am listening more and more these days. 

Unlike the psychic in the video below, I do not think God is going to save us.  It seems to me that God will help us when we ask, as long as we actively head in the direction we want to go.  I say this because it seems likely that freedom and peace do not get done with a magic wave of the hand of God.  The way I see it is this: We humans got ourselves into this mess, albeit with a lot of help from the dark side that we ‘accidentally’ listened to…  An interesting conversation my sister and I had just months before she passed in 2014 comes to mind:

We were talking about how the dark side continues to throw everything possible to not only each of us individually, but to the entire world.  We compared the severity of what it takes to get a human to “obey”.  We figured the tougher ones got the worst of it because they won’t obey.  The problem with that kind of thinking is that this only makes us stronger and more defiant.  Funny, they just don’t get that.  Perhaps this is why I am confident that humans will be okay when this is finally over.  How long that will take, I suppose, is up to how many people spend time each day thinking about where they want the world to go.  Remember the old Indian story “The Wolf You Feed” about a battle that goes on inside of people?  The one you feed is the one that wins.  This is how I see it going.

Anyway, enjoy this psychic lady, even if you don’t think humans are naturally psychic… if nothing else, it’s good entertainment.

America’s TOP Psychic REVEALS How Your DECEASED LOVED ONES Are Speaking to YOU! | Concetta Bertoldi (1:10:08)

Next Level Soul Podcast
February 25, 2024

Concetta Bertoldi is a vivacious medium and New York Times bestselling author who lives in New Jersey with her husband. Born unable to hear in one ear, Concetta has communicated with spirits since childhood. As an adult, she embraced her talent and has provided others hope, comfort, and inspiration through her readings.

Concetta’s clients range from Britain’s royal family members to Hollywood celebrities, politicians, and everyone in between. She has been featured in TIME Magazine, seen on The CBS Early Show, Good Day New York, and appeared on The Real Housewives of NJ. Her natural wit and compassionate energy entertains and comforts every life she touches. Concetta shares heartfelt messages from the Other Side to standing-room-only crowds at her live shows.

Concetta’s first book, “Do Dead People Watch You Shower?” hit the New York Times bestseller list in 2008. She followed that success with a sequel, “Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs?” and “Inside the Other Side.” In her latest book, “I Kissed a Ghost (and I Liked It),” she shows us how to see evidence of ghosts and spirits in the world and how they can help someone understand their soul’s divine purpose.

Please enjoy my conversation with Concetta Bertoldi.


0:00 – Episode Teaser

1:05 – Concetta’s gift of being a psychic medium.

12:18 – Coming out of the psychic closet

15:04 – Concetta’s process of being a psychic

19:20 – Do dead people watch you taking a shower?

21:46 – A profound reading for a client.

30:34 – What is the biggest misconception that people have with psychic mediums?

37:05 – How can we protect ourselves from Dark Spirits?

39:59 – What is the future of humanity?

42:55 – Why do God or Source allow evil things happen in the world?

44:18 – What’s on the other side?

55:42 – Understanding life and death

57:59 – “I kissed a Ghost and I liked it!”

1:04:19 – Living a fulfilled life

1:05:17 – What is love?

1:06:07 – Advice to young Concetta

1:06:39 – Definition of Godor Source

1:07:24 – Ultimate purpose of life

1:08:14 – Concetta’s work

1:08:40 – Final Message


Please visit my website:

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in English, German, French, and Spanish.



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by Sherry Swiney
December 21, 2022


It would be a wonderful system, were it not used to control us.  If censorship did not exist for those with a different idea or for asking questions that do not fit the approved narrative of the day.  If no exclusion from society for non-compliance with tyranny existed.

If the food was nutritious, the air was fresh, the water was pure, and the love of greed and power was a thing of the past, it would be a tremendously convenient thing to have. 

If inventors of “free energy” (not meterable) were not killed off and their work confiscated.

If children were nurtured with love, taught how to think (not what to think), and shown by example, the importance of taking responsibility for their actions.

Mind you, I would never want to have the technology implanted in my body, but as a hand instrument such as in Star Trek, where you can access all your private information easily, it would be handy under the above conditions.

Sadly, that is not happening in these times.  The thing to do is walk away and become part of making the above conditions possible.  No violence necessary on your part.  You can start right where you are.

What’s the harm in digital ID’s?  People say, “Well, it’s okay with me to scan my face. I have nothing to hide.”  As Catherine Austin Fitts says, it’s not about what you have to hide; it’s about what you have that they can take from you

A serious prison for the mind, body and spirit is heading our way.  If you see a train coming down the tracks (a QR-society) and you don’t step aside to watch it go by, you will get smashed.  Walk away.  Become part of the solution.

This is how I feel after watching the documentary, “State of Control”

Please visit my website:

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in German.  French, Russian and Spanish translations are in the works.

THAT’S A LIE PROGRAM – Part 3: The beginning of the journey I walked


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December 15, 2022
by Sherry Swiney

While reviewing an old article Jerry Marzinsky and I wrote, called “List of Lies”, I was reminded about the time when I believed these lies were true.  No joke.  As I look back at that version of myself, I see more clearly how this process works.

First, here are the messages I lived with for many years.

  • No one will ever love you because you are a piece of garbage, a waste of flesh.
  • You are poor and will remain poor because that is what you deserve.
  • Neither your family nor anyone else cares about you because you are rotten and don’t deserve love.
  • You have (whatever disease) because you deserve it and you can’t do anything about it.
  • You have no talent.  Who would ever hire you for a job?  You’re a failure.
  • You are worthless; you’ll never succeed at anything so give up trying.
  • You are the worse thing you’ve ever done and there’s no way to forgive yourself.

The List of Lies article also includes the messages Jerry’s schizophrenic patients lived with.

As most of my readers know, all these negative-producing ideas are not from us.  They are injected intrusions by invisible beings that are conscious and malicious.  Likewise, there are invisible beings that are conscious and not malicious.  Plus, there are your own thoughts.

Yes, You.

The real you has thoughts that muck their way through all the lies, hoping to one day see daylight again.

I remember the day when a tiny speck of real me saw daylight.  Until that day, there was no “me” at all.  I was both shocked and grateful when I finally recognized it as a light inside that wanted to shine but I had no friggin’ clue otherwise.

It was at that point that the intrusive thoughts seemed to retaliate.  At the time, I wondered if maybe there was some ancient clan from another time that wanted revenge for something I did to them long ago.  It seemed to me that holding a grudge for a few thousand years might be too big a stretch.  So, I began researching to see what was wrong with me.  Did I have a brain tumor, or was I going crazy, or was something else happening?  I dedicated lots of time reading about the brain and self-help books.  This was after I’d already studied ancient scriptures, archaeology, and quantum physics.  Obviously I wasn’t crazy and didn’t have a brain tumor.  Something else was happening.

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,
however improbable, must be the truth.”
– Sherlock Holmes

Looking back all those decades ago, I see that the first step of awakening was a genuine threat to these invisible entities. We cannot see them because of the design of our eyes. This design limits our vision to a very narrow band in the light frequency spectrum. Out of all the available frequencies, we only see the circled band of light on the top row. The second row blows up the circled band to illustrate our visual spectrum. So being invisible does not mean these beings do not exist. They exist in different frequencies.

This was not an easy journey to be sure.  I was stubborn about finding out what was happening to me.  At the same time, I was dedicated to working on how to eliminate this besiege.  During this process, I might found myself reacting in some brainwashed or conditioned way – like the automatic reflex when the doctor thumps on your knee with his rubber mallet.  I did not want to be that person.  I never wanted to be that person.  So, the gloves were off.  That’s what recognizing the little bit of light in me did.  It gave me strength to continue, and a resolve that felt like a mission.  A determination to free myself from these entities or die trying.

The moment I saw myself in unconscious reactive mode, I would literally stop what I was doing, take a deep breath and let it out slowly.  Then I would ask the friend(s) around me at the time for a do-over please.  They got what I was doing and gave me some latitude.  It was a struggle to remember to be aware of my thoughts.  The more I did though, the easier it became.  Finally, after many more years of lessons about what was me and not me – plus how to eliminate the not-me part whenever it showed up – the That’s A Lie Program was developed and presented to the public, free of charge.

I used this program, and there came a time when the intrusions were gone.  I am more than grateful to the people in my life who have been where they were supposed to be, so that I would be exposed to more things to learn about the light and dark aspects of life.

The primary thing I have learned is that, while it may be painful at times, finding and then being your self is an important thing for which to strive. 

Being other-directed is no longer in Vogue.

The only reason it is usually a painful journey is because we are surrounded by these invisible beings trying their best to get us to believe their lies. 

You see them manifest in the local and international news; on your television set; when you pay your taxes…

The lies continue to make you believe that being other-directed is still in fashion, that the illusion is still reality, that there’s nothing you can do. 

There is something you can do in the comfort of your own home.  You can take off your mask.  You see, taking off your mask (not the literal emergency medical mask – “your” mask), signals Universe that your light wants to shine.  This can be a scary moment but if you know you are being lied to, then why spend any time believing the lies?

Stargate SG-1 “Revisions”, season 7, episode 5 is a good metaphor for what happens when you grow up believing lies and conversely what happens when the lies are exposed to you.  Please watch to the end to see the point of posting this link here for you.  Let me know what you get from this episode.

The last thing these beings want is for people on Earth to wake up to who they are without the masks.

Without the mask, YOU are an immortal being, entangled with a brilliantly designed physical brain and body that don’t last forever.  They are of the earth and shall return to the earth.  When the body dies, you move on.  You do not die.  You are not of the earth.  You are temporarily in the earth, pretending to be a human being, and along the way you completely forgot about that.  How is that possible?  Whispers in your ear; events before your eyes; money is real; death is fearful.

If you know you don’t die, then where is the fear of death coming from?  Not you, right?  So, why fear the news and dire health warnings from liars.  They have shown over and over that they do not care about you.  They care about keeping you uneasy and in fear. 

Take precautions.  These liars can be dangerous when they are about to be exposed as grandiose deceivers, manipulators, tricksters, con-artists, thieves, and wimps following orders.  These beings have the people who believe their lies backing them. 

Still, the bottom line is this:

There is a light inside you that I believe is the core of YOU which is connected to the rest of you that’s entangled throughout your body.  It’s not physical, but energy.  It’s in the Dan Tien area.  The Dan Tien is your center of gravity.  I don’t know if you can have generally clear thoughts without a working Dan Tien. 

You were made with love, not hate or fear.  You ARE love.  These beings want to suffocate that knowledge.  When you remember that you are love, you can send love to these beings.  They seem to fear it.  They don’t like it at all, so they leave quickly to let you get back to your journey without a mask.


Please visit my website:
That’s a lie program – part 1 and part 2

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in German.  French, Russian and Spanish translations are in the works.



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by Sherry Swiney
October 24, 2022
Simulacrum – pronounced sim-u-lac-rum
an image or representation of someone or something.
“a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper”
an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.
“a bland simulacrum of American soul music”
Who of you look at our world as a simulacrum?  I do.  Everywhere I look, I see governments, corporations, banks, and politicians painting the picture they want us to see.  And when you look at that picture, what do you see?

Do you see transparency and trustworthiness?  Or do you see theatrics as I do?  It’s like they are following a particular script.  And it’s a very clever one at that.  It’s one that’s been playing out over and over for thousands of years.
I need not list the multitude of offenses against us.  If you are watching any bits and pieces of the news, you see that something isn’t right – regardless of what you want to see.  You can see that things are out of balance in the world today in a major way.

All of us – each individual that lives on Earth has played a part in getting to this point of disarray among the people.  You have one side that wants to get rid of or control us and the other side that wants to be left alone, i.e., free.

There are those of us – and we are in the millions – who don’t want to be controlled.  Thank you for your offer, but we will do the right thing on our own.

In spite of all you throw at the world, we are too busy being neighborly to others rather than hateful.  We are too busy mending the damage we have done to ourselves.  With so much support from you, it was easy to damage ourselves without even knowing that’s what we were doing.

Just look at what you have provided to us over the last two brief years.  And look at all the damage we did to ourselves because we blindly believed in you.  We believed there was a deadly new boogieman that was invisible.  We paid heed that we shouldn’t go anywhere because we might kill our grandmothers.  We followed your rules in lockstep because we believed your words were truth and for the benefit of everyone.

But we learned that all of that was a lie.

So now, every time you open your mouth, more of us see through your lies and usually that wakes us up.

You can throw all the boogiemen at us and we will know it to be fake.  Theatrics.  Created scenarios.  A simulacrum.  Ukraine is innocent.  Let’s all gang up on Russia and cause World War Three!  UFO’s….bad.  We need to arrest amateur UFO watchers so they can’t see the fakery.

You are powerless to stop what is happening to people on this planet.  We know you know the spiritual world.  So do we.  Your greatest fear is being exposed.  That is happening as I write this.

Simulacrum – definition review
an image or representation of someone or something.
“a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper”

[If you lived in that small-scale skyscraper and did not know it was only a representation of a real skyscraper, you would think where you are living is real.  But it’s not.  How could you know?]

Within the worldwide simulacrum, scenarios are created.  In other words the stage is set.  It’s kind of, sort of like The Truman Show or Westworld.

I just heard that Betelgeuse Nova might be happening sooner than astronomers thought.  It might even happen around the same time another bright star two thousand years ago was in the sky.

Wow!  What a coincidence.

Or is it predictable because it’s in the simulacrum program?  You know, from the real skyscraper.

For what purpose other than to keep us trapped in a continuum infiltrated by the dark side that has violated the Sponsor’s simulacrum design for us. Perhaps like a think tank where thought experiments would not destroy the real world.  Who knows?

After the invasion, we could no longer leave the simulacrum.  We continued being reincarnated after a memory wipe.  Many call this a soul trap.  In the current scenario, people are given a choice: to become a biomechanical entity or to remain a natural human being and work toward leaving this simulacrum and never return.  If it is true that the simulacrum will collapse in 2040, that would free us from the soul trap.  I like that idea.

If we are immortal souls living in these avatars, and if the simulacrum is designed to respond to our thoughts, emotions and actions, then it is possible to change the course humanity is travelling today, or die trying.

These are the things I am pondering these days.  Perhaps you might think I’ve stepped off the cliff.  I must admit it was bizarre to consider such things – at first.  I don’t claim that I am right but I think there is a possibility that I might be right at least until a better explanation comes along.

Perhaps this will explain a few things. 

Please visit my website:

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower”, now available in German.  French, Russian and Spanish translations are in the works.

PLANETARY WAR – The Battle Between Those Who Want Peace and Those Who Want War


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If you take your time reading this and clicking on all the links within, this article may take you a while to get through.  Grab a cuppa.  I hope you enjoy going through it.

September 11, 2022
by Sherry Swiney

I stumbled upon the article below while searching for a photo of the “War and Peace” book cover. 

The stop-off along the way is meaningful to me, but not for the reasons cited in the article below.  We indeed treat our Veterans like sewer waste which needs to change.  

If our government is hell-bent on tricking young men and women into going to war for nothing more than a chessboard play, then the least it can do is repair the damage.  After all, they have no problem rebuilding the country they destroyed.  Why would they have a problem rebuilding the minds and bodies they destroyed?

Here’s the first paragraph of the article:
Movie Review: Breaking (2022)
By Norbert Haupt
September 2, 2022

The soldiers are brainwashed into believing they are fighting for a noble cause.  So, no.  I don’t want to thank a soldier for their services.  As a grand mother, I want to grab them by their shoulders and shake them to wake them up, in hope of preventing the war he’s about to embark.  Manipulation of war is part of the agenda for global control.  They need to know that.

You don’t get peace by destroying your opponent.  Never!

The subject of this article is planetary war – the battle between those who want peace and those who want war.  I believe the ratio is 10:1, and growing.

The reason the fewer seem to be winning is because they know something you don’t know.  They know how Universal Energy works and they do not intend to share it with us.  On the surface, their wars are about control and money.  They want to control everything on this planet.  Everything!  Under the surface, they want our souls.

But we are learning about Universal Energy.  One step at a time.  One person at a time.  Those who want war, use this energy to fool us into believing they are trying to help us.  If we don’t agree, they threaten to punish us.  One person at a time; then one state at a time; then one country at a time.

If a state does not agree, they start riots.  If a country doesn’t agree, they start a war.

They’ve worked long and hard – through trickery – to eventually get entire populations brainwashed into following orders.  If we do not follow orders we are punished.  We learn this throughout our lives.  It’s conditioned into us.  We must obey, or else…

Here’s another page I found while searching for the book cover:

What Sparked Japan’s Aggression During World War II?
JULY 07, 2014 12:06 PM

Answer by Harold Kingsberg: The short version: Japan’s actions from 1852 to 1945 were motivated by a deep desire to avoid the fate of 19th-century China and to become a great power.

That mindset is in every person participating in “controllership”.  Depends upon how much money you have and how many puppets with guns you have watching your back.  Western Imperialism was the encroacher-de-jour.  I think they still are. 

What the Media Won’t Tell You About KING CHARLES III

In the meantime, we watch the chessboard plays right before our eyes and still some do not see it.

Today’s play is “How to destroy European countries – starting with Germany” 

The first attempt in 1944 was unsuccessful.  From what I see, the second attempt of the Morgenthau Plan is at play.  What am I talking about?

Yeah, there’s a thing called Morgenthau Plan that says:

How the Germans reacted to Morgenthau Plan 1.0 was then. 

This is now.  Morgenthau Plan 2.0 just this week.  Unlike Herbert Hoover, Joe Biden has decided it is okay to freeze and starve up to 25 million Germans this winter.  There are scriptures that say pray that turmoil does not come in winter [paraphrased].

If you think collapsing Germany won’t affect the entire planet, think again.  The goal is global control.


False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda – Part 3: The War of Terror
Corbett • 09/12/2022

We could go on to other chessboard moves – the War on Drugs.  Now more people are on drugs than ever before.  It was not a war on drugs.  It was a war of drugs and prisons.  Jumping ahead – people who died from a car crash during the Covid era, died of Covid.  The injections-demand is not a war on disease.  It is a war of disease.

Everything is connected to everything else.  It’s like a tapestry.  You pull one thread and eventually it all unravels.  The truth reveals itself.

Season 6, Episode 15 – Star Trek Generations – “Tapestry” demonstrates this nicely.  As a metaphor, whereby Captain Jean-Luc Picard experiences his tapestry of life unravel – once again – where everything is connected to everything, including our perception of the world.

What is your perception of the world?

Revealed is the fact that the darkness on this planet is a fraud.  It is all made up: Problem Reaction Solution.  The totalitarianism tiptoe.

It is certainly not serving the common people of this planet. 

Our individual lives are unraveling in numerous ways – hopefully all for the better.  Our world is unraveling.  Changing into something, but what?  Potential dictatorship?  Potential freedom?  Or what…

How do you want this chapter to end?


Please visit my website:

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower.”



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By Sherry Swiney
June 30, 2022

I just woke up from a dream a few moments ago and, as always, I write down my dreams so they are not lost. I rarely post a dream but this one sparked the following blog:

DREAM – AT THE FARM June 30, 2022:

The scene is first of a 1920’s hospital baby nursery.  The babies are swaddled in small blankets with pastel butterfly patterns – some sleeping peacefully, others awake.  Quietly they lay, content. 

The next scene is of a handful of children around age 3 or 4, walking beneath a railroad bridge.  The width of the opening looked to be around forty or fifty feet.  The gravel road beneath went as far as the eye could see.

The children were heading somewhere.  Their numbers began to grow, and ages increased – 16, 17, 18, and upward – until the width of the bridge cross-way was filled with children of all ages.  I watched as the numbers continued to grow as far as my eyes could see, and I silently sent a message to Universe: “SOS – Earth is killing the children”. 

End of Dream.

Life on Earth is in trouble.  That means people are in trouble.  Many are waking up and more will begin to awaken soon.  Meanwhile, the false gods rule.  They are liars, brutal and murderous at heart, mind, and soul.  They do not care about people.  They do not care!  Period!  They do not think like people do and they use that to play people like a fiddle.  “That sounds pretty much like conspiracy theory to me.”  “Oh, they would never do that.”  Yeah, they do and they have been doing this with skill and cunning for centuries.  As long as people stay asleep, they can do whatever they want and know they are safe from prosecution.

Behind the scenes, they are like drunken bullies.

700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin (1:03:20 video)

Reiner Füllmich & 50 Lawyers: “The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill and Depopulate the Planet” (55:40 video) June 27, 2022

(2:09:55 video)

Yes, please pause and reflect on the world we live in.  Please see that we are living among false gods right now.  They look human but they are not.  They say things that sound trustworthy but they do things that are horrific.  The three videos above are but a small taste of what they do and have done to humanity. 

They want to own your mind and soul.  I feel sad that so many have already been lost, who have died by the hands of a murderous crowd.  Two of the videos above show the laws they have broken which amount to RICO violations.  No question about that.  We are seeing organized crime against all humans on Earth.  Their time is short so they must move as quickly as they can before too many humans see through their cloak of false decency into their basic malevolent ways. 

By the way, these malicious beings do not think they are doing anything wrong.  They believe the stories they tell you are the right thing to do.  They see nothing wrong with murdering millions of people.  They do not think like people do.  They are void of conscience and love. Some say they are jealous but I don’t think that enters their mind.  The only thing they want from us is to prevent us from becoming aware of who we are and what powerful spiritual beings we are.

Have you forgotten that you are not your body and that you do not die?  Have you also forgotten that you have dominion over the darkness?  You do.  You were not given the spirit of fear from the consciousness that breathed life into you.  You took on the spirit of fear yourself.  If you purchased it, you can send it back.  It’s your decision.

Do not turn your head the other way on the actions of the malevolent ones.  Do not let their crimes go unnoticed.  Be advised: They want to kill you.  But YOU have the power to stop them from doing further damage.

In conclusion, I quote Elana Freeland’s facebook post to help you lift yourself up for the battle that lies ahead:

Begin quote: “The Chinese character “crisis” means both opportunity and danger. Hang tight!

“To all my friends out there who know what’s really going on – to all my conspiracy theorist friends. Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.

“If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone. No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.

“Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there. With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it”. Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but for many of you, your very own family and friends too.

“Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep. Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh.

“Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone. There is no way to sugarcoat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.

“You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough. Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it’s as though they exist in another world.

“Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit.”  End of quote.

Please visit my website:

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower.”



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Establishment Mob
by Sherry Swiney
June 19, 2022

The establishment is the world we are in but not of.  One could say the establishment is the AIX

Notice how the establishment is toward humans: Not very nice; certainly not loving.

The establishment is run by a mob that vacuums souls into its cosmic web.

The suction is stronger than ever before.  The mob is laying its cards on the table.  The general public is beginning to notice that something isn’t quite right in the world.  They do not see the Game and surely they are not aware they are in the game.

The errant see the game.  Each in their own way is shouting from the roof tops: SEE THE GAME – WAKE UP FROM THE DREAM – before it’s too late!  That’s why the establishment mob deems us errant, i.e., uncontrollable.  We see them and they know it.

If you are an errant, all that needs to be said has been said to you numerous times, in one fashion or another throughout your lifetime.  In other words, you didn’t listen and you got played.  See it and get over it.  The real you is needed.  Life as you knew it is gone.  It happened while you were dreaming that you belong to the world: the mob.

Though the world is falling apart before you, there is no reason to fear.  You are not of this world, though you live in it.  You once believed you were of this world but now you see that’s not true.  If it were true, the Establishment would not treat you like trash, fodder, and collateral damage.  They put out your eyes then blame you for your blindness.

You are of the Source of Life – aka God.  I used ‘Source of Life’ because the term God has negative triggers for many people.

As such, you are Love.  That love should be radiating from you to create a world that treats others the way you want to be treated.  Instead that light has been severely dampened by the power you have given to the mob.  You allowed the mob to give you its hive mind.

Don’t feel bad.  All of us got played.  At some point in our lives, we woke up from the dream and realized we are the errant ones, the real ones in the world.  The rest are non-participating characters in a malleable holographic world that Source of Life created for us – not AIX or the mob.  We were put here voluntarily to learn something about living in this beautiful very dense world.  Long ago we were invaded, manipulated, and put into a dream state.  We believed the dream was real.  For a while… 

We woke up and saw that we were smack dab in the middle of a nefarious game.  Each of us reacted in different ways to this new information.  Some of us rejected it; others accepted it and realized we were in trouble.  We began shouting even louder: Wake Up before it’s too late.  You are needed.

Life on Earth is now at a crossroads point.  It’s decision time.

Please visit my website:

About Sherry Swiney

Sherry researches quantum physics related to spiritual development and physical well-being.  She studies archaeology, organic gardening, natural healing, paranormal and other unusual topics.  She co-authored “An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind – Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower.”